Home Speaking at Founded in FoCo

Speaking at Founded in FoCo

All about speaking at the event
By Charles Howes and 1 other
13 articles

Apply to Speak and Present a Session or Workshop

Do you have a session or workshop idea you want to see at Founded in FoCo? We’re looking for excellent, dedicated presenters, speakers, and organizers to enhance our program! Timeline for the 2025 Event: - September: Application open for sessions & workshops - October 20th, 2024: Deadline to submit a session proposal - The Planning and Programming team reviews all submissions - Before December (tentative): Notify speakers if they've been selected (Round 1) - By end of January: Finalize session schedule Learn more about this year's event theme and submitting a session here >> What makes for a good session? 1. 95% to 5% Rule: 95% amazing content, 5% self-promotion (if any). Seriously: do not use this as a self-promotion vehicle. If you do, you will not be asked to speak again. 2. Attendance goes WAY up when there is a VERY CLEAR take-away from the session: “by the end of this session, you will know how to _______”. 3. Speakers engage their audience ahead of time and promote their own talk. - Speakers create a Facebook event for their session and add FiFC as a host. - Speakers have a cover image (use Canva’s PowerPoint slide size, it’s super simple). - Promote their session and the event with the network and on social media 4. Speakers have a hand-out/slides posted to Sched. Don’t rely on your PowerPoint deck. Attendees are there to learn from YOU, not read slides. 5. Practice, practice, practice. You can organize a listening session with our team when selected. How is programming chosen for Founded in FoCo? The volunteer team has track leads who aim to curate 75% of the sessions to align with our core themes. “Curated” means our core team pulls from known speakers and content captains to recruit speakers. You can discuss your ideas with our planning team and a “Content Captain.” If you haven’t gone through a content captain to apply, you’ll be pooled into the 25% of open submissions, and your session is not guaranteed. Don’t lose hope if your session isn’t selected for this year’s Founded in FoCo; we plan events throughout the year to help sustain the entrepreneurial community in and around Northern Colorado, and we also have a podcast and recorded panels that help us get to know new speakers while also providing you a platform to teach! If we like your idea but can’t fit it into the schedule, we’ll find a partner to help you host it another time.

Last updated on Oct 07, 2024

Tech Set Up & Equipment for your Talk

When you arrive in the room there will be a connector for you to plug your laptop into, to project your slides, if you have any. What you should bring with you: - Your own computer, Mac, PC or Chromebook, all will work with our setup. You will be presenting your slides from your laptop. - It's also very important to be sure to bring your laptop charger so it has plenty of power to get through your talk! - Your slides, stored locally on your hard drive, even if they're saved to the cloud, just in case there are internet connection issues. We will provide: - Projector - USB-C connector - Clicker (to move through your slides) - USB-C to USB-A converter How to Connect your Laptop We have two options for connecting your laptop: Option 1 - USB-C Plug the provided USB-C connector (dongle) into the side of your computer. The clicker will then plug into the dongle as well. Option 2 - HDMI Pull the video cable from the dongle and plug it directly into your laptop. Please be sure to plug it back into the dongle when you are done, to help the next person's set up go smoothly. You can use the USB-A port for the clicker connector. We will have tech support on site. Their contact information will be provided on the introduction paper that is in every room. However, there isn't tech support assigned to every room so please try your best to get everything set up yourself. For more information, including a video please click HERE

Last updated on Mar 02, 2024