Home Vacancies Reviewing Recommendations

Reviewing Recommendations

Last updated on Jan 11, 2024

Once you have completed the matches process, notifications are sent to highly relevant active candidates that have a matching skill set, rate, location and right to work. Recipients of these notifications, or recommendations as we call them, can quickly apply and are then visible for the recruiter or hiring manager to review.

Perhaps you quickly need to hire someone for a role and don't have the time to trawl through the lists of top candidates, this is where the recommendations feature comes in and assists you with the heavy-lifting.

Candidates who have been sent a recommendation can be filtered, using the following criteria.

  • Status - whether or not they have accepted and applied following the recommendation email

  • Skills - check if they have the skills you want for this role

  • Industries - see what industries they have experience in

  • Companies - want someone with experience working in a particular company? This is what to use to filter out any companies you don't want to see.

  • Esco Level 1

    • Their email address and phone number are displayed here in the details section so that you can contact them

    • Details shown include, RateAvailabilitySkillCompany and Similarity scores, and overall match percentage

    • You can also see their full profile and work experience