Home Applications & Candidates Candidate Card Breakdown - Relevance Tab

Candidate Card Breakdown - Relevance Tab

Last updated on Apr 10, 2024

Relevance Tab

Under the Relevance tab you will have a summary of the Candidate's work experience according to the Experience, Industry Relevance and Skills requirements set under the Scoring tab.

The Relevance Tab gives a quick overview of the Candidate’s relevant work experience. This way, very quickly and easily, you can determine whether they have the required years of relevant work experience.

  • You can view Experience, Industry Relevance and Skill Groups under one tab. This saves time, as you don't need to switch tabs and gives a more rounded view of the Candidate's overall relevant work experience.

  • Use the Hover Over Text box which pops up if you hover over a timeline row giving you more details and the option to click on a skill to get a full description of the select piece of work experiences where they used that skill.