Key Points;
What is Conditional Logic?
Steps on how to use Conditional Logic on Crowd.
Questions and Answers example for Conditional Logic.
Some FAQs on Conditional Logic.
What Is Conditional Logic?#
Conditional logic is a feature that allows you to create questions and answer options that appear or disappear based on how users answer previous questions. This way, you can create personalized and relevant tests for your users.
Steps on how to use Conditional Logic on Crowd#
To use conditional logic in Crowd, you need to;
Create a test, then click on "Add a block".
Add at least three questions to it.
Then click on the "Add Conditional Logic" button under the question you want to add logic to.
You can choose the conditions under which the question or answer option should be displayed or hidden by clicking on “show” this question if (select a previous set question) then select the answer to which the question will respond.
You can click on "GO TO", which is used to skip a question that you do not want to answer.
Tips; The GO TO feature can only be used for the first or second question.
Question and Answer example for Conditional Logic.#
Here is a detailed question-and-answer example for conditional logic.
Question 1: What type of phone do you have?
Answer options: iPhone, Android, Other
Question 2: If iPhone, what model do you have?
Answer options: iPhone 11, iPhone X, iPhone 8, Other
Conditional logic: Show this question only if the answer to Question 1 is "iPhone"
Question 3: If Android, what brand is your phone?
Answer options: Samsung, Google, OnePlus, Other
Conditional logic: Show this question only if the answer to Question 1 is "Android"
Question 4: How satisfied are you with your phone's camera?
Answer options: Very satisfied, Somewhat satisfied, Neutral, Somewhat dissatisfied, Very dissatisfied
Conditional logic: Show this question only if the answer to Question 2 is "iPhone X"
Question 5: Which feature of your phone do you use the most?
Answer options: Camera, Social media, Gaming, Other
Conditional logic: Show this question only if the answer to Question 1 is "Android" and the answer to Question 3 is "Samsung"
Some FAQs on Conditional logic#
What kinds of conditions can I use in conditional logic?
You can ask conditional logic to show some questions based on the answers/options selected in previous questions.
When can I use condition logic?
Let's say you are creating a survey to gather feedback on a new product. In the survey, you first ask the respondent to select their age group: 18-24, 25-34, 35-44, or 45 and above. Depending on the answer selected, you can use conditional logic to show different follow-up questions.
For example, if the respondent selects the 18-24 age group, you might show a question about their preferred social media platform. But if the respondent selects the 45 and above age group, you might instead show a question about their preferred method of communication with friends and family.
By using conditional logic, you can tailor the survey questions to the respondent's specific age group, making the survey more engaging and relevant to their interests. -
Can I preview how my conditional logic will work before publishing my test?
Yes! Crowd has a preview mode that allows you to test your conditional logic before publishing your test. This way, you can make sure that your logic is working correctly and providing a good user experience.
Are there any limitations to using conditional logic in Crowd?
While conditional logic is a powerful feature, there are some limitations to keep in mind. For example, you can only use conditional logic on certain question types, and you cannot use it to create loops or complex branching paths. Additionally, complex logic can sometimes slow down the performance of your test.
Can I use conditional logic with short-text or long-text answers?
Yes, you can use conditional logic to show or hide follow-up questions based on specific keywords or phrases in short or long-text answers
. Can I use conditional logic with multiple-choice or checkbox answers?
Yes, you can use conditional logic to show or hide follow-up questions based on the selected answer(s) in multiple-choice or checkbox questions.
Can I use conditional logic with linear scale answers?
Yes, you can use conditional logic to show or hide follow-up questions based on the selected value(s) on a linear scale.
Can I use conditional logic with yes/no questions?
Yes, you can use conditional logic to show or hide follow-up questions based on the selected answer (yes or no) in a yes/no question.
Are there any limitations to using conditional logic with different answer types?
While conditional logic can be used with most answer types in Crowd, there may be some limitations based on the complexity of the logic or the number of follow-up questions. It's always best to test your conditional logic thoroughly to ensure it's working as intended.
Do I need to have a minimum number of questions to use conditional logic?
Yes, you must have at least two questions in order to set conditional logic.
Is there a limit to the number of questions I can apply conditional logic to?
No, you can apply conditional logic to as many questions as you like within a test or survey.
Can I use conditional logic on just one question?
Yes, you can apply conditional logic to just one question if desired.
Can I set multiple conditions on a single question?
Yes, you can set multiple conditions on a single question, allowing for more complex logic to be applied.