Home Guides How to add feedback widget to a mobile app.

How to add feedback widget to a mobile app.

Last updated on Apr 03, 2024

1.First open the widget feedback response page

  1. Click on sharable link from the more option menu to copy the link 
         The link will look like this https://app.crowdapp.io/collect-feedback/:wiget-token

  2. Go to your application code and load the link using In-app browser. 
    Examples: For ios Application with Swift

import SafariServices

if let url = URL(string: "https://app.crowdapp.io/collect-feedback/:wiget-token") {

let safariViewController = SFSafariViewController(url: url)

present(safariViewController, animated: true, completion: nil)


In flutter you can use below code

import ‘package:flutter_inappbrowser/flutter_inappbrowser.dart’;

void launchInAppBrowser() async { 

   const url = "https://app.crowdapp.io/collect-feedback/:wiget-token"; 

   await FlutterInAppBrowser.open(url: url, options: Option(                    toolbarColor: Colors.blue, 

       closeButtonColor: Colors.white, )

