
Last updated on Jan 16, 2024

What is Minds+?

Minds+ is a subscription-based service that allows users to access exclusive content created by independent creators. Users can also upload their own content and earn revenue based on its popularity and engagement. Minds+ offers features such as unlimited HD video up to 95 minutes in duration, priority support, a verified channel badge, and the ability to hide boosted content.

How do I join Minds+?

You can join Minds+ by either going to a Minds+ page or by unlocking any Minds+ post.

How much does Minds+ cost?

Minds+ costs $7 a month or $60 a year.

Why can’t I post links into Minds+?

We are only allowing original content to Minds+, and links are not considered to be original content.

How do I get a verification badge?

To get a verification badge, you need to have Minds+ (or Minds Pro) active, and create a request at the Minds+ site.

What is Minds+ needed for?

Minds+ is necessary for creators to receive payouts for their content and to move their earned tokens on-chain.

What benefits come with a Minds+ membership?

Minds+ grants access to exclusive videos, blogs, and photos from independent creators, enabling users to support the creators financially. Moreover, Minds+ members can upload unlimited HD videos up to 95 minutes long. They can also stand out with a distinctive badge on their channel and verify their digital identity, affirming their authenticity. Furthermore, they can keep their feeds ad-free by hiding all boosted content.

How do I cancel my Minds+ membership?

To cancel a Minds+ membership, navigate to Settings > Payments > Recurring payments (here). From there, navigate to the plus payment and you can click the "Cancel" button next to your current subscription. If you cancel during a billing cycle, you will retain your benefits until the end of that cycle.

Will my Minds+ membership automatically renew?

Yes, by default, Minds+ memberships will automatically renew on a monthly basis. However, you can cancel (see the answer above).

Can I still use Minds if I don't have a Minds+ membership?

Yes, you can still use Minds without a Minds+ membership. However, a Minds+ membership provides additional benefits, such as access to premium content and the ability to earn revenue from content creation.

What payment methods are accepted for Minds+?

Minds+ accepts several payment methods, including credit/debit cards and tokens. If you pay for your membership in tokens, you will only be eligible to be paid out in tokens. If you pay in cash, you are eligible to be paid out in cash or tokens.

Minds+ Cancellation policy

Section 14 of the Minds Terms of Service:

  1. Minds offers optional paid services such as Minds Tokens, hosting, subscriptions, monetization, additional storage, bandwidth, Minds Plus, video transcoding, and Boost (any such services, an “Upgrade”). By accessing an Upgrade you agree to pay Minds the one time, monthly or annual subscription fees indicated for that service. Payments will be charged on a pre-pay basis on the day you sign up for an Upgrade and will cover the use of that service for a monthly or annual subscription period as indicated.

a. Automatic Renewal: Unless you notify Minds before the beginning of the applicable subscription period that you want to cancel, your subscription or service will automatically renew, and you authorize us to collect the then-applicable annual or monthly subscription fee for such Upgrade (as well as any taxes) using any credit card or other payment mechanism we have on record for you. Upgrades can be cancelled at any time in User settings.

You may read the full Terms of Service here